Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Bible is Authenticated by God ? – Introduction

“The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning - the chief and choicest part - of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight and understanding.”

-- Proverbs 9:10 (AMP)

When discovering the answer to this question, we must first determine what is the Bible and would God really send us a message.  Is the Bible, or any other text, really some message from God?  We can assume that if God had the means to get a message to mankind, then He also has a means to authenticate it was from Him!  This personal quest for discovery radically reversed my spirituality from “New Age” pseudo-pagan, agnostic beliefs; to committing to a personal relationship with a God of true Love and Instruction – a Universal Supreme Being – our Heavenly Father, the Creator.

What I desire to share with you in this series of articles, is how the “Word of God” does contain authenticating components.  God’s “fingerprints” are observable, measurable, and appear supernaturally to authenticate this message originates from “outside” our time-space domain.  These components include prophetic text that writes history BEFORE it happens; archeological evidence of people, places, and events from the message; and mathematical, supernatural codes in both the plain text (what you read) and hidden within the Hebrew and Greek languages.  

Scientific and archeological evidence of the past 20 years, however, has radically changed my Faith.  The evidence is irrefutable and overwhelmingly explains our existence being purposed and skillfully designed through Love.  My goal in this article is NOT to sway opinions; but to share just a glimpse of the progress being made to scientifically understand God, this Creation, and the message He has for us.  These articles are not a doctoral thesis, nor present “new” evidence; but references current information from experts who much of the world seems to not know.  The amount of information is overwhelming, readily researchable, scientifically documented, and lectured on extensively – so any skeptic or zealot should be motivated to seek this evidence, the proof of God and His message, for themselves.

So what IS the Bible?

For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
But the Word of the Lord endureth for ever.
And this is the Word which by the gospel is preached unto you. 
1 Peter 1:24-25 KJV

It is a book that has been the world-wide best selling book in all of history.  It is a collection of religious text that contains two parts – an Old Testament and New Testament, both thousands of years old.  But what is the correct Bible … there’s the Protestant King James Version (KJV), a Roman Catholic translation and Apocrypha, and every translation and version imaginable “in between.”  Some “Christian” denominations use Bibles with “passages removed;” or invent New Testament doctrines and rituals “inspired by Godly revelations,” added by authors millenniums AFTER the traditional authorship.

The most popular and arguably “more correct” Bible - the entirety of authenticated Scriptures - is the 66 books per the “King James” Bible.  This compilation is arguably “more correct” because that collection of books are derived from texts that contain the authentication of God’s “fingerprint” (discussed more specifically in future parts of this article).  The KJV is a Shakespearean English translation, first compiled in the mid-1600’s by about 50 scholars taking many years, and derived from more than 5,600 Greek and Hebrew texts.  The texts used in that KJV compilation has 40 authors, spanning thousands of years; yet the message is integrated, thematically replicated, and contains recently explored authentication that God is the Designer.  

The Old Testament originates primarily from Hebrew texts – texts preserved by Jewish tradition for thousands of years.  The first five books of the Bible, Genesis thru Deuteronomy, are the same as the Jewish Torah. Around 300 BC, Jewish experts translated their Hebrew Scriptures into Greek.  Greek is a far more precise language, having a larger vocabulary and rigorous structure for noun and verb forms, giving a more accurate translation of the context of the Old Testament narrations.  Greek was also the most prevalent language of the world in 300 BC.  Most importantly, however, is how the resultant Greek “Septuagint” translation gives a definite reference point for dating and validating the message of all future “discovered” or “revealed translations” of Old Testament Scriptures.  

The New Testament are the most hotly contested and debated, overly-translated, shrewdly edited, and most censored books of the Bible.  The King James compilation originates, primarily, from Greek writings by contemporaries of Jesus of Nazareth.  The many English translations can come from Greek “versions” of the Roman Catholic Latin flavors, the Eastern Orthodox Greek flavors, or from “received texts.”  The “received texts” are the primary source for the KJV translation, and are a collection of the same “books” (often letters) that were copied, or translated, and distributed to various churches of the first few centuries AD. “Received texts” are not necessarily the “oldest” texts; however, they are the most accurate, capable of “self-correction.”  Multiple “versions” of the same “book” or letter can be compared for consistency – exposing what is added or left out.  In addition, there are blatant “fingerprints” that authenticate which of those texts, and whether the New Testament compilation that was selected, are genuinely part of God’s Design for His Message to us. 

What is the Bible really about?

To understand what the Bible “is about,” is to understand what it says of itself !! 

Then I said, “Here I am, I have come—it is written about me in the scroll.
I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.” 
Psalm 40:7-8 (Old Testament) 
Then I said, Behold, here I am, coming to do Your will, O God—
to fulfill what is written of Me in the volume of the Book. 
Hebrews 10:7 (New Testament)
The Old Testament is a collection of the Bible’s earliest writings, starting with the 5 “Books of Moses” – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  Those same 5 books constitute the Jewish TORAH, and are alleged to have been “dictated” to Moses, along with the Hebrew language, approximately 3500 years ago.  The Jewish stories within the “plain text” of the Old Testament are colorful stories of the history of early man, the nation of Israel, her Prophets, and the Hebrew people (God’s “chosen”).  The New Testament is a collection of writings from the times of Jesus of Nazareth – detailing Jesus’ life, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection and His returning Holy Spirit.  While the Old Testament contains all elements of the Judeo-Christian religions; the New Testament focuses on Christian theology and the Gentile Church.  Both “Testaments” are an integrated message – they work together to “complete” a message from God.

The Old Testament narrations and New Testament narrations are dependent on each other to fully understand, either.  The New Testament is concealed in the Old Testament; and the Old Testament is best interpreted by what’s revealed in the New.  Every detail within the Scriptures are included by Godly design, and His “fingerprints” authenticate this over and over.  God establishes patterns in texts and “between” texts that always point to a Standard.  Every detail – every letter, even every punctuation mark – is exactly where it should be, and as God Designs and authenticates.  All relevant text and extemporaneous “revelations”, therefore, should align consistently with a Standard, per that Design.  Here are the words of Jesus:  

 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets [Old Testament]; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.  For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, 
not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, 
will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 
 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”  Matthew 5:17-19

The entire message of the Scriptures is intended for all humanity, and is a message of Love.  It is Designed so that we - mere mortals - would know God, His message, and that His message is authenticated by Him.  That’s kinda cool, when you realize it.  But what is this message, the Bible, the Word of God, the Scriptures
 … what IS it all about?

In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ),
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. 
He was present originally with God.

All things were made and came into existence through Him; 
and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.

… And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate)
and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh) and lived awhile among us;
and we actually saw His glory (His honor, His majesty),

such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father,
full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth.  John 1:1-3, 14

There is a pattern developing in the few Scriptures I’ve quoted thus far.  Clearly known in the “plain text” (what is written) is that the “volume of the Book” is about Jesus.  He “is the Word,” became “manifest in flesh,” and is the “fulfillment” of it.  At this point, there is no real mystery; as most professing Christians - Christ followers - claim to use the Bible as their religious text, so it stands to reason that “the Book” would be about Jesus Christ.  

So is this what God is REALLY telling us?  . . . that His Word, His message, is that Jesus was His Son, and came to earth as a man for our benefit?  Besides what is plainly written, are there other indications or more “mystical” proof that this is what God says?  Researching the Hebrew texts, understanding the characteristics of that language, we discover interesting patterns that suggest God is giving us clues to those answers.

Unique to all other languages, the original “alphabet” of Hebrew has three distinct qualities.  The original, most archaic, Hebrew characters each represented (1) a phonetic sound, (2) a gametria value, or a “number value” [instead of separate characters like our 1, 2, 3, etc.], and (3) an ideogram (pictograph), or a “symbolic” meaning. 
Remember that Hebrew is written right to left.  One can translate much of the Hebrew language, understanding the ideographic meaning from the sequence of characters (pictographs).  The two examples shown above are the words for “Father” and “Love”.  “Ab” (also “Abba”) transliterated is Aleph + Bet, or “Strength” (also “first”) of the “house.”  The Hebrew word for “Love” is Aleph + Hay + Bet.  When “Hay” is included in the middle of a word, it implies the “revelation of” (or “essence of”).  Therefore, the Hebrew word “Love” is “the revelation of the Father.”  

God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, 
and God dwells and continues in him.

1 John 4

Understanding the ideographic meanings of the Hebrew text used in the Scriptures, we get a better understanding of God’s message!  Now consider the first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created . . .  “In the beginning” in Hebrew is one word “barasheet” or (from right to left):  Bet + Resh + Aleph + Shin +Yod + Tav.  The first two letters combined, Bet + Resh, or “Bar” always means ”son of”
Our English “In the beginning” = (in Hebrew ideograms) ”the son of God [will be] destroyed [by His own] hand (or work) [on] a cross.”

Continuing to the first verb, or “action” word, of the Bible – “created.”  The Hebrew word for “created” is ALSO “bara” – or (right to left) Bet + Resh + Aleph.  Again, the ideographic meaning of the Hebrew word “bara” is “son of God.”  This adds an entirely new dynamic to what the Bible “is about,” and begins to model the concept that “what is CONCEALED in the Old Testament is REVEALED in the New Testament.”  From the “concealed” ideographic meaning of the Hebrew text for “In the beginning God created” we learn God’s message – His plan of salvation – was engineered from the beginning of time.  His Son would die on a cross AND the Son of God was a part of, or with, the Creator from the beginning!

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities . . . ” 
Isaiah 53:5 [700 BC] 
 “ … the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.” 
 Revelations 13:8  

“But you were purchased with the precious blood of Christ (the Messiah),
like that of a sacrificial lamb without blemish or spot.
It is true that He was chosen and foreordained (destined and foreknown for it) 
before the foundation of the world, but He was brought out to public view 
(made manifest) in these last days (at the end of the times)

for the sake of YOU.” 
1 Peter 1:19-21 (AMP)

This is an extremely unique adventure into what are CONCEALED meanings in the Hebrew “plain text.”  There is consistent proof that our current use of the KJV contains more of these “codes.”  YES, in fact, there are even more sophisticated “hidden codes” or “hidden messages” that recur over and over.  When we apply a more scientific method to analyzing the Scriptures, we discover layers and layers of these hidden messages that all seem to point to Godly Design!  Others will be discussed in future articles of this series, “The Bible is Authenticated by God ?”  Hidden messages – God’s “fingerprints” – occur with such frequency and are clustered in ways that scientists are affirming that it would be impossible for random chance, or even man’s capability, to create such texts.  That Standard for comparison of Biblical texts, the message, and what the Bible is about:

“it’s all about Jesus” !!

Genesis, Chapter 5, also contains a remarkable “message” concealed in a boring genealogy of the first ten generations from Adam to Noah.  When we apply the same ideographic interpretation of the meanings of the names of these generations we learn something incredible.

Adam = Man

Seth = Appointed

Enosh = Mortal

Kenan = Sorrow

Mahalalel = The Blessed God

Jared = Shall Come Down

Enoch = Teaching

Methuselah = His Death Shall Bring Mercy

Lamech = The Despairing

Noah = Comfort (or Rest)

Thus, supernaturally, hidden within the Hebrew language, tucked away behind this passage on genealogy, God AGAIN reveals this message about His plan of salvation for mankind!

Man [is] appointed mortal sorrow, [but] the Blessed God shall come down teaching His death shall bring the despairing comfort and rest.

If you believe how this is clever and, perhaps, purposefully added to the text by men … there is something you should remember.  This message is the Christian Gospel – Genesis is part of the sacred Jewish text, the Torah.  It’s highly unlikely that Jewish scholars would “embed” a Christian message in “their Torah.”  Jewish scholars have rejected the executed Jesus of Nazareth as being their long awaited Messiah!  Jews would never purposefully design a use of these names in the genealogy of Genesis, Chapter 5 !!

Although this has been a lengthy “Introduction” to this series of articles about God’s authentication of His message to humanity, it really is merely the “tip of the iceberg.”  Future articles are outlined to include archeological fingerprints, prophetic fingerprints, and more sophisticated “hidden codes” and patterns of texts in both the Old and New Testaments that authenticates our Word of God does supernaturally come from outside our time-space domain.  It’s all about Jesus Christ; and not Peter, Paul, or Mary, or the dead Saints, or revelations of any modern prophet, Bishop, or Pope; but ONLY about God’s Love for you and me, manifest in a message He has for us about His Son.  To misunderstand or failure to hear God’s message will result in the inability to truly know Him and the life He has Designed for you, separated from God’s fullest Blessing!